Well as you know I have formally crossed to the other side(Sasha in house full time and on the furniture). Never could I have imagined that I would have that in my house! She has claimed the couch in my office for her own so that is where she sleeps at night and when I am working she is usually there. It is nice to have her there with me, I do enjoy her company.

She loves to roll over on her back because she knows I can't resist rubbing her tummy, she has me so well trained, no matter what I am doing I have to stop and love her.

This picture of Sasha may give you nightmares, she looks pretty scary with the one eye and big teeth. Actually she was smiling for the camera but I caught her at a bad angle.

Sasha 2003    Sasha's Family 2004    Sasha 2005    Sasha's Family 2005

TamarahK-Mom     Timbuk-Dad
Speckles-Beckley Poppy-Sasha Comfort-Chinook Little Bear-Nanuq
Half-Meshach Baby Buck-Casper Squiggle-Solomon Spot-Lobo
