Fri, 7 Jan 2005
You two will always be special to us for bringing these two beautiful animals into our lives. They are so a part of who we are

Sat, 29 Jan 2005
I can't believe it's been two years already. We celebrated by taking a nice long walk & are now taking it easy by the fire...Seems we have an endless supply of couch potato pictures. Comfort Queen & King do so enjoy their naps

Sun, 30 Jan 2005
I thought you might be interested in a little insight to Chinook & Nanuq's personalities at age 2....most of which we may have shared with you on our phone visits but for me it's just a chance to reflect on what they've grown into.
Nanuq He is the quiet leader - the alpha male. With a look or low growl he can command his packs respect & attention. He only will growl when feeling possessive - usually over a bone or stuffed animal. Niks really could care less about whatever it is he wants & just gives him his space but on occasion Chinook will challenge him. They never hurt each other but can sound quite mad for a couple seconds. Peace is always restored quickly and without any hard feelings. We're very careful of situations that could cause disputes and are always aware that these guys and have an aspect of their personality quite different from other dogs...of course that's one of the reasons we love them so much - they are so very unique. Nanuq is also very healthy but is prone to ear infections. His vet has us cleaning his ear weekly and putting in Otomax drops when necessary. Chinook always alerts us as to when he's having problems again. Nanuq loves everyone & loves having visitors however he doesn't care for other dogs - especially if they want to run up to him. A walk is most enjoyable when it's just the two of us out exploring. He loves the outdoors and smells....oh to drop and roll in something nasty smelling is just his favorite. Chinook & Nanuq at play in the early morning are a sight to see. When they're just waking and waiting for me to get ready for the day they like to roll on the bed head to head. They have a little play growl/bark/snort thing that they do that I've never seen other dogs do before - and all the while mouthing each other. They're never mad. It's all in fun & I always have to stop to watch. I wondered if your guys do the same? Niks is never included in this game - it's only Chinook & Nanuq.

Tue, 29 Mar 2005
Can you believe that it's been 2 years since we met you to pick up these two white dogs. So hard to believe - time goes so quickly & yet they've grown so much.

Thu, 28 Apr 2005
Nanuq will give a little growl on occasion...usually when he doesn't feel like sharing (either one of his people / bone or toy)... He's such a good natured wolfer that it always gets our attention. Once in awhile he'll give Mike a little growl when he's had enough hugging. He's such a big lovable guy that it's hard not to give him lots of hugs (I really think he loves it). Their last trip to the vet put Nanuq at about 138. Nanuq has quite a bit of loose skin - even as a puppy. We always thought he'd loose it as he grew but he still has it. He really is a mini celebrity wherever we take him because of his size & personality. When we tell people that he's not the biggest of the litter they are always amazed.

Sun, 5 Jun 2005
We took Nanuq back to the hospital today. He's just not able to eat & difficult to drink water so getting the antibiotics down was impossible. He's very lethargic & obviously feeling sick. They've got an IV going and are calling in a specialist tomorrow morning. Poor guy has already had an MRI & Ultrasound. One of the first things they looked for was a foreign object but nothing showed. His lymph nodes are very swollen and they indicated that could be resulting from a localized bacterial infection. Although we're extremely relieved the biopsy shows no evidence of cancer we are sure concerned about our boy. I'm hoping that just getting the meds in will help him to feel better. We should know more tomorrow & will keep you posted. Chinook is very confused and misses her brother...

Sat, 25 Jun 2005
Nanuq had a blood test about a week ago that still showed his white cells to be double what they should be. They've kept him on the antibiotic Baytril & a steroid but are gradually lowering the dose. Today they had us stop by for an add'l antibiotic to give him once a day and we'll do another blood test end of next week. The good news is that there is no signs of swelling & he has a huge appetite. We'll be relieved when his energy level returns. That is probably the symptom that is most noticeable at this point. Chinook misses having her sparing partner but she is very good with him. I'm not sure the doctors know what caused it--still say auto immune problem ... I'm still suspicious of either yellow jackets or foreign object (like a stick) setting off the whole series of events - but that's only a guess.

Sun, 3 Jul 2005
We're fortunate that fireworks are banned here. That doesn't stop people from setting off a few fireworks but it's not nearly as noisy as it once was. The dogs & cats will all be in with us anyway.... Nanuq is doing much better and starting to get his energy back. His blood test was rescheduled for Tues and we're hoping it comes back with better results. I actually took him out for a little walk today and he did great. At one point I had both he & Chinook out walking together and they seemed so happy & alert. The article you forwarded was very interesting. Yes, we've pretty much combed over every inch of Nanuq looking for anything suspicious. The vets shaved the area on his neck when they did the biopsy and didn't find a thing. We've noticed quite a few more yellowjackets around and continue to be suspicious that he may have swallowed one & was stung...Just a guess though.

Sat, 30 Jul 2005
Just wanted you to know how much improved Nanuq is. His last blood test showed his white blood cells to be normal - such wonderful news. If anything, he seems to be a bit more mature. Chinook still tries to engage him in play & most of the time he responds. It's great to see him dash off the couch to chase a squirrel that's dared to run across his fence. He was so improved that we took him to Shasta with us this July. Truth be told we didn't want to leave him behind. We stayed in the Lodge where Nanuq has been a celebrity in the past and this year was no different. You can't imagine the attention he gets from everyone & he just loves it.

Sun, 27 Nov 2005
Nanuq is doing great & we're hopeful he never has a recurrence. He seems to have completely recovered.

Nanuq 2003    Nanuq 2004    Nanuq 2004 Boating    Nanuq 2005

TamarahK-Mom     Timbuk-Dad
Speckles-Beckley Poppy-Sasha Comfort-Chinook Little Bear-Nanuq
Half-Meshach Baby Buck-Casper Squiggle-Solomon Spot-Lobo